Wednesday, April 2, 2014


I say there is a change;
Now the straps of my bag do not reveal the unstitched part,
They are mended;

Before the natural air conditioner of the scooter
Used to enrich me every morning,
Now it is replaced by a switch named “AC”
In the car when I go to school;

Now only the echo of ‘Goodbye’ reaches my ears,
And the reply has been muted long ago;

Before proverbs spoke out “Success means wisdom and not wealth”,
But now success without wealth is equivalent to failure;

Before the kites when cut down used to be chased down the track,
Now the kites desperately hang from the trees,
Has Sankranti lost its signifance?

Before the doormats bore the words ‘Welcome’ on it,
But now they are used for removing dust off their shoes,
Are they dusting off their responsibility?

Before the gilli (of the game gilli danda) used to land in open fields,
But now the cricket balls crash someone’s window pane;

Before time played an instrumental role in healing the wounds
Now the injections have overcome the brand of ‘time’

Before the legs of people did not hesitate
In walking for a mile to fetch water from the age-old well,
Now our legs pain even for reaching the aqua guard 1m away from us!

Before monkeys swung on long tree branches
Now they hang on verandas of large apartments
“Nothing is permanent in this world except CHANGE”
These changes are referred as "The Modernization of the World"
Is this change because of human nature? Or,
Is it the selfish human motive?