Saturday, December 12, 2015


Someone once told me 
Mistakes willingly committed 
Are either 
Great blunders 
The greatest achievement
Mine was soaked in both
These moments 
2 minutes and 33 seconds 
Of my life 
My jaw froze as
I gulped down the ice of truth 
It wasn't what I had expected 
But, it was the truth of my life 
Staring right into my eyes 
On the evening of 12 December 
Among all smiles, I stood 
As if I had faded away 
Because that blow was catastrophic
I knew it
The silence within 
Had been armed with a rifle 
But, surprisingly, 
It did not aim my heart 
It took away my life 
Just those few moments 
Of silence 
Silence was shouting only one thing -"NO"
This monosyllabic expression 
Was enough to change 
Me forever 
Life is not about the moments you breathe 
Life is about the moments 
That take away your breath
That drought of silence did take my breath 
Those longest 2 mins and 33 sec did take my breath 
That "NO" did take my breath 
"Some stories are never meant to be 
You just can't can't refrain destiny!!! "

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