Monday, March 30, 2015


Am I the last ?
Or probably yes
I have lost!
Lost in the battle with myself
Lost in the war with confidence
My strengths are wounded
My patience lie dead
My capabilities all used
And no strengths remains
To fight back
"Silence is peace"
Is all I said
When the spear of distress
Pierced away my last hope
I am devastated
Only the crushed paper
Could cry for me

Saturday, March 21, 2015


On the deserted lane 
That traveler brisked upon
Lost his name 
And all the fame 
Thrown in vain
Searching his identity
In hope;
He had gone through 
This path someday
Mocked him on his way 
Even the stone that lay
Trying to search 
From the genesis of mistakes 
And knew that 
"Everyday he walked that path 
He found a new house to discover"

Sunday, March 1, 2015


This reckless life
Talent goes into the gutter
Imagination fly away
It is thrown away
Student's life
It is like a maze
Opening at every end
But never knowing what
Awaits behind the door
Some keep pushing the wall
Some bang on the ground
While some wait for the others to open
But only a few
Dare to open the door
Which was never locked .