Tuesday, June 30, 2015


There often exist 
Great liars 
Who not lie others 
But deceive themselves
Who not fool others 
But fool themselves
Once I also fell into the trap 
On that path 
Assured of happiness 
But could not see 
Imagined soothing raindrops ahead 
But could not feel 
At half way 
Near a lake 
When I washed my face 
My reflection could not see me 
As the real me 
Was somewhere left behind 
Deceived on its path!!

Monday, June 22, 2015


Many people around me 
Masked men 
Masked women  
Laughing and smiling
Trying to forget 
Beneath the pyramid of their smile 
In that deep corner 
The tomb of reality 
Is still alive 
Knowing this
People pretend to be
According to their Image 
And not 
Create the image according to them !

Thursday, June 11, 2015


Long ago,
Some years down the lane
I had crucified myself
And my life
Deserted me on the journey
Probably attitude did not allow
Me to turn back
The heartless frame
Walks, runs , thinks
Everything but
Forgot that
living is more important than life
Good were those days
When pleasure walked aside
Good were those days
When laughter played with me
That imprint is
plunged deep onto
sands of my memory
And life somewhere
left behind
But still kept walking
Could only see the destination
But not understand
Why I am being dragged
Till there  

Friday, June 5, 2015


From the human eye 
If u see
Another human 
U are the human made by God
If the veil of religion 
Does not cover his face 
And poverty is just 
a part of destiny  
And not desire 
where the wisdom heals 
And not demolishes 
And the human race  
Where it emerges winner
Not by killing others 
But itself standing atop
Then will the world be 
"The Way He Wanted It!!"