Friday, August 28, 2015


Bereft of the limelight
I strolled towards the arena
The atmosphere added to my tension 
The absence of the great pinched me
Incapably, unexpectedly
Quite immature
I was to stand in his place 
The first match
Was a gift 
Wrapped by unexpected
And revealed victory
It was still a long way
And the next was impossible 
The final day arrived
Hundreds of eyes lingering 
Staring with hope 
It began in good fashion
Time was against us
It leveled the score 
All ready to draw the last blood 
Perhaps not by experience 
But as birth right 
I stood to throw the last
What happened next will be history
But will remain a colossal tribute
To the basketball team

Sunday, August 9, 2015


The big shots often tell
That seldom
A realization exists
Between the reel life
And the real life
Dreams into reality
Is a long way
Trodden by many
Completed by a few
Some will remember you 
As a name 
Very few will remember you
As a fame 
The reality hides 
Behind the fact 
The number of people 
Feel the essence of your presence 
In your absence!!