Friday, February 19, 2016


The story unwinds itself 
Beneath the looks of the moon
On the bridge 
Came she 
Just like the wind 
I could feel every moment 
Every single word 
Was memory for me 
Every single of her smile
Redefined the previous one
I was soaked deep 
Into the charm 
Oblivious of the fact 
She, like the wind 
Was gone 
One day
I kept waiting down 
Under the bridge 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016



Two speeches 
The head boy speech marked 
The end of a childish beginning
The farewell speech signified 
The beginning of an ultimate end 
But today, ( 13 February 2016)
It felt 
As if the tears had left the eyes 
As if the dreams had left the nights
As if the happiness faded away 
From the long smile 
As if the feather ought to fall
Even tough the resistance of wind 
It knew It will fall
We all knew this day would come 
Every piece of earth 
In the school 
Tells a vivid story 
Entangled in secrets and joy
I could bid GOODBYE to all
Except one, except her 
My heart could not take this truth 
Just as I said-
"From you, I don't depart,
Rather in you, I leave of me as a part"

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


It is not the  grief
"Of being in the darkness"
Its the pain
"Of retreating back to darkness
Once you have seen the sunlight "
That kills you
I could have stayed down there
For yet another month
Living just like the
Moments of past two years
I resisted every blow down here
This could have been just another
If you wouldn't have
Shown me the sunshine above
Shown me those dreams 
Its a lot painful when 
The dreams are broken 
Than the grief of never having one!