Monday, December 30, 2013



Hovering around the flowers, the honeybee move around
Was a good example to explain my state of mind
All my friends around me
Questioning me about my achievement
After receiving the 1st prize of the Sports Day,
I was in no position of explaining my happiness
The audience was yelling out my name
As my friend expected, a bucket full of water
To wake me up
My eyes gazed at me the calendar and realized
The sun has just now woke up for my Sports Day  



We meet several people
Be it in the palace
Or in the dirty lanes of cities;
Be it on the thrilling music concert
Or the silence in the corners of one of those isolated monuments
It consists of a forever assurance
That if you give
It will come back,
It is the most invaluable treasure
But every person
From the one toiling in the depth of mines;
To sitting on the heights of thrones;
Possess it
Its fascinating property of turning all enemies into friends
Unknown people to known
It communicates everything without speaking anything
It is just a big “SMILE”



His long beard drew me crazy
The curly hair popping like springs
Stalking on one of those chips pieces
I slept with an assumption that he was the sweeper of my room
Probably 2 hours; as I thought,
My eyes widened to see
Every classmate staring at me
I don’t know of which 7 stars hotel I was dreaming about
But knowing that he was my new Chemistry teacher
Not only my eyes, my whole body was shivering
I surely understood that;
“No assumption is better than false assumption.” 

Saturday, December 28, 2013



Last night was a strange night
In my dreams I stood at a tower  with great height;
It was a dream no more than a nightmare
It was a dream of enjoying the fresh air.

Over my head was the endless sky
Complemented by the birds that flew high;
I knew it was past twelve
I was supposed to read the books lying on the shelf

Under my feet was the devastating land
The waters of the beach were hitting the sand;
Only the moon’s light was visible
Which shone at each place which was possible?  

It was the strangest night I had ever seen
No shouts on the streets could reach my ear;
The streetlights shone brightly on the streets  
The bus stop was lonely with empty seats.

Chilling cold wind pierced through the window
It awoke me from my deep, sweet sleep;
I was amazed at my thought and said to myself 
"Could I really believe that it was the noisy world in which I live?”