Friday, October 31, 2014


It just rained
When a bird in the sky 
Flies as high
Ever wondered why does it do that?
Ever imagined what does it think?
It’s a place
Where the trenches of death,
Are clearly seen from the skyscrapers of life;
Clouds of hope just stop shining when,
Thunderstorms of helplessness prevail;
And the blanket of sadness prevents,
Any ray of happiness;
Its not an easy place to be there
When balancing on a slender rope becomes necessity,
And dying after every day becomes habit,
The first time in years it experienced:
The tears rolling on.
One shower of rain
Its all it takes!
To destroy the castle of glass,
Crafted delicately since years.
It gets drenched in those tears;
And soaked in the sadness;
And flows away with those birds;
Dried in the darkness;
Then all its life it utters to itself,
“It just rained one day”!!


Saturday, October 25, 2014


Old and New
Old is not formed 
New is not evolved
Old does not stink 
New does not smell fresh 
It is all the brilliancy
Of the interplay of our brain and heart
New  replaces the old 
Is it the change of generation 
That has 
Reduced the existing qualities of old 
And uphold the new 
Someome rightly quoted 
Old is gold 
But in today's global village, I believe
There are several platinum around


Tuesday, October 21, 2014


The trap of class 9

The heart does not believe, the brain forces the body to customize oneself into the structure which can accommodate and fit perfectly in the complexity of the the daunted class 9. Looking down the lane at the past 8 years of glory, enjoyment and and the moment of living the live to the fullest extent permitted by the the heart, the body gets depressed at the dreadful thought of the last 2 years in this dream palace. But at times and probably at every moment of the life of a class 9 student is not only filled with positive and negative surprises but also an unprecedented amount of emotions flowing out of control.

It is a stage of life where instances hold more value and importance than any academic grade. These instances change the colours of life and the palette in which all these colours are formed is the interplay of rumors. These events cannot be classified as good or bad, advantageous or something useless. They seem a practical way of knowing an unknown, and this wind was only driven faster by the introduction of Whats App, Facebook and a lot more. As a teenager it is impossible to be a critic of this trend. All seems so good and delighting.

An impossible task is to deny the fact that Class 9 is extreme and moment you are placed on the cloud of happiness, you can clearly sight out the the trench of loneliness. So at any level a class 9 student can't think,"I have achieved my goal", because there is always the teachers shouting at us,"What have you done till now; You are useless; Check your discipline, on"

At last we just try to dream which we could not in reality and also try to change ourselves so that we can adopt to THE TRAP OF CLASS 9

Sunday, October 19, 2014


Am I Living? 

Eleventh time I asked this question
To myself
And I got no answer
Now I don't feel the breeze
Blowing through me
I forgotten the day when
I last smiled heartily
My memories of enjoying
Has been totally deleted
I don't find the pics where
I am free from all worries
I have forgotten the days when
Time was no priority while watching the movie
I don't remember the months
When it rained all the days
And I stood under the open sky to welcome it
I have forgotten the mornings when
The sun woke up before me
The twelfth time I asked this same question
The beats of my heart confirmed it
But deep in my heart I knew
The answer was "NO"