Friday, October 31, 2014


It just rained
When a bird in the sky 
Flies as high
Ever wondered why does it do that?
Ever imagined what does it think?
It’s a place
Where the trenches of death,
Are clearly seen from the skyscrapers of life;
Clouds of hope just stop shining when,
Thunderstorms of helplessness prevail;
And the blanket of sadness prevents,
Any ray of happiness;
Its not an easy place to be there
When balancing on a slender rope becomes necessity,
And dying after every day becomes habit,
The first time in years it experienced:
The tears rolling on.
One shower of rain
Its all it takes!
To destroy the castle of glass,
Crafted delicately since years.
It gets drenched in those tears;
And soaked in the sadness;
And flows away with those birds;
Dried in the darkness;
Then all its life it utters to itself,
“It just rained one day”!!


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