Sunday, November 9, 2014


People who think out of the class
Glaring at the fan
Expecting it to fall on my enemy
The doors of the classroom flashed open
And a dinosour taking me away
Gazing at the canvas painting of my desk
All the creativity of my mind
Came to a halt when
Friends glared at me
Expecting an answer
My mind repeatedly told myself
"What is the question?"
But could not bring it to my mouth
I thought it had been told a number of times
The next moment I was given more respect
And told to stand up
I felt as the lone representative of india
In a round table conference
Where the teacher was the director
Standing right in front of me
My silence which they liked I suppose
So I continued to be silent
And found myself outside the class
Heaved with respect and honour from maam
I now felt like
The lone representative of US
Who left the conference in the mddle
And now can roam about outside!!

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