Sunday, November 30, 2014


Dive Into Life

"I can't, I just can't"
Were the only words 
Dropping from my mouth
My reflection scared me
That it would vanish
When I jump into that deep sea
The depth was not measurable
For me 
Even though written on board
"Only 50m deep"
I felt a hand on my shoulder
And the next moment 
I was in water 
The sea is your life 
And the depth is your limit 
Until you don't venture out 
You will not live your life to the fullest
And once down
Touching the bottom of the sea
A feeling of satisfaction will fill you 
So don't float on the surface 
Just dive in!

Sunday, November 9, 2014


People who think out of the class
Glaring at the fan
Expecting it to fall on my enemy
The doors of the classroom flashed open
And a dinosour taking me away
Gazing at the canvas painting of my desk
All the creativity of my mind
Came to a halt when
Friends glared at me
Expecting an answer
My mind repeatedly told myself
"What is the question?"
But could not bring it to my mouth
I thought it had been told a number of times
The next moment I was given more respect
And told to stand up
I felt as the lone representative of india
In a round table conference
Where the teacher was the director
Standing right in front of me
My silence which they liked I suppose
So I continued to be silent
And found myself outside the class
Heaved with respect and honour from maam
I now felt like
The lone representative of US
Who left the conference in the mddle
And now can roam about outside!!