Friday, December 25, 2015


What is inspiration ?
The moment 
You stretch your arms 
Inspired and assured
That you can touch the sky 
That's inspiration!

What's winning?
When the defeat 
After being defeated 
Is proud to be the defeated
That's winning!

What's life?
The sheer reverberation
Of your life 
After you have lived 
That on your death 
They proudly recall your birth
That's life!

What's happiness
That you have sadness your roommate 
In a room of loneliness
In a house of depression
And still your smile never fades away
That's happiness!

Monday, December 21, 2015


She smiled 
Meaning every essence of it
Beside her, was another smile 
She cried out 
Pleading to god 
There was shoulder 
To rest on 
Her eyes shone bright 
And winked at someone 
There was another who winked back 
Breaking the shackles of friendship 
I dared to 
Initiate hopes on her 
But all my hopes 
Drained down my blood 
As soon as I realized 
That smile,
That shoulder, 
Those eyes were not mine 
And hiding the fact from my heart
I backed my tears 
Instead of smile  
That lodged on my shoulders
That lingered upon my eyes.

Friday, December 18, 2015


The sun has come up the horizon 
And glass no longer shattered 
Now me a person 
Who has emerged once again 
Now without tears in my eyes 
Without a doubt in my heart 
I could barely contain 
My happiness and joy 
As it being the only reason 
Of my every smile 
Of my every dream 
Her eyes sparkled more than the stars 
And sun was no match of her glowing face 
Only reason, being her 
The happiest of my times 
She showed me 
A glimpse of the dream 
Which long I awaited 
She showed at the perfect time 
Only when I needed
And if those were a dream 
I would live in that dream 
And end my life in that very spot 
Because no truth 
Even from the god, 
Would allow my soul to let go of this 
Wonderful incidence   
Beneth that blazing noon

Saturday, December 12, 2015


Someone once told me 
Mistakes willingly committed 
Are either 
Great blunders 
The greatest achievement
Mine was soaked in both
These moments 
2 minutes and 33 seconds 
Of my life 
My jaw froze as
I gulped down the ice of truth 
It wasn't what I had expected 
But, it was the truth of my life 
Staring right into my eyes 
On the evening of 12 December 
Among all smiles, I stood 
As if I had faded away 
Because that blow was catastrophic
I knew it
The silence within 
Had been armed with a rifle 
But, surprisingly, 
It did not aim my heart 
It took away my life 
Just those few moments 
Of silence 
Silence was shouting only one thing -"NO"
This monosyllabic expression 
Was enough to change 
Me forever 
Life is not about the moments you breathe 
Life is about the moments 
That take away your breath
That drought of silence did take my breath 
Those longest 2 mins and 33 sec did take my breath 
That "NO" did take my breath 
"Some stories are never meant to be 
You just can't can't refrain destiny!!! "


One day 
Quite sure it will come
I will stare 
Into your eyes 
Drown in the lies 
To find the pearl

Assure myself again 
That one day
I will enjoy 
Your smile 
And fade with it 

Maybe that one day
I will have the guts 
To make sense to you 
And walk away 
With you 

Just one day, ...
That will happen
I believe ...I hope !

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


It takes a great deal 
To make someone happy and contended
But just a scratch is enough
On the impeccable mirror 
To make its every penny worthless
Just that way
I kept digging deep into a pit
Trying to conceal 
Much of myself
But just when I hit the rocks under
I understood the 
Sands of time has dripped down 
In the hourglass
And the moment had arrived 
To reveal my deepest secrets 
That my heart of glass 
Was broken,
Shattered everyday
Each piece of it
In every possible way 
And my tears found themselves 
None evident, it ever happened 
Picking the pieces in darkness
In the desperate wait 
That there will be a new 
Person to throw the stone on the castle!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


I often speak
To that empty silence
And share all my
Thoughts and views
I sunk in 
To just debate with 
The invincible silence always with me
But today
My silence was beckoned by
Someone else 
So brave and bold
Had tears rolling over 
Just as frost on fire 
And as if 
That fire melted melted away
To reveal the deepest agony 
Only when 
A heart cried that day

Friday, November 13, 2015


For the sake and greed 
That tomorrow possessed
I broke the promise with today
A great dilemma lie ahead
Something which meant everything to me 
Everything which meant nothing now
Though one indeed
Good or bad 
Was never the question
Today reminded me 
Of nostalgic moments 
And tomorrow promised me 
Fulfilled dreams
A thought to live in present 
Would murder my future 
And a dream to live my dream 
Would stab TODAY
But give today 
That happiness 
That it forgets the sadness 
Of terminating 
Into the tomorrow

Sunday, October 25, 2015


Negativity engulfed me
On the road 
Of emotional grudges and desires
I die there everyday 
And see others walk past
It seems they are 
Bewitched people
Using magical powers 
To extend a bridge on 
The very trench of emotions
Nothing there 
Ensured me happiness
They all were drained 
As that path of emotion 
Had sucked the last drop 
I fell down everyday 
In the hope of rising 
In the hope that she 
Help me cross over 
And not walk past !!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Tired of counting the dreams 
The eyes dreamt every 
Night and day
A place 
Where it was just me
And my friend, happiness
Possessed a uniqueness
With every dream which was 
A step closer to her 
But all that was wept out
Just as the tears flowed by
To realize
Those eyes were not mine 
Not by pity 
But by sacrifice 
I let them obliviate from my memory
And just concealed the 
Secrets of my dreams 
In my heart!!

Friday, August 28, 2015


Bereft of the limelight
I strolled towards the arena
The atmosphere added to my tension 
The absence of the great pinched me
Incapably, unexpectedly
Quite immature
I was to stand in his place 
The first match
Was a gift 
Wrapped by unexpected
And revealed victory
It was still a long way
And the next was impossible 
The final day arrived
Hundreds of eyes lingering 
Staring with hope 
It began in good fashion
Time was against us
It leveled the score 
All ready to draw the last blood 
Perhaps not by experience 
But as birth right 
I stood to throw the last
What happened next will be history
But will remain a colossal tribute
To the basketball team

Sunday, August 9, 2015


The big shots often tell
That seldom
A realization exists
Between the reel life
And the real life
Dreams into reality
Is a long way
Trodden by many
Completed by a few
Some will remember you 
As a name 
Very few will remember you
As a fame 
The reality hides 
Behind the fact 
The number of people 
Feel the essence of your presence 
In your absence!!


Friday, July 24, 2015


I reached a place of uncertainty 
Nine feet above the above the clouds 
Holding onto 
All the branches 
Crushing some on my way 
But still there was someone 
Always there by me 
Probably our trust had brought 
Her here 
That fragile trust 
Was long ago broken 
I could see the reflection 
But the not the real her 
Maybe someone 
Whispered the poison 
In my ears..
Just drop by drop ... 

Thursday, July 16, 2015


People change 
Just as seasons 
Only for motives of benefit 
They suffer drastic change
With whom greeting were 
A compulsion 
Now looking at each other 
Is a forceful action
Reasons are many 
But life reminded me 
As it it echoed in my ears 
"I am way too short for ALL YOUR GRUDGES"!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015


There often exist 
Great liars 
Who not lie others 
But deceive themselves
Who not fool others 
But fool themselves
Once I also fell into the trap 
On that path 
Assured of happiness 
But could not see 
Imagined soothing raindrops ahead 
But could not feel 
At half way 
Near a lake 
When I washed my face 
My reflection could not see me 
As the real me 
Was somewhere left behind 
Deceived on its path!!

Monday, June 22, 2015


Many people around me 
Masked men 
Masked women  
Laughing and smiling
Trying to forget 
Beneath the pyramid of their smile 
In that deep corner 
The tomb of reality 
Is still alive 
Knowing this
People pretend to be
According to their Image 
And not 
Create the image according to them !

Thursday, June 11, 2015


Long ago,
Some years down the lane
I had crucified myself
And my life
Deserted me on the journey
Probably attitude did not allow
Me to turn back
The heartless frame
Walks, runs , thinks
Everything but
Forgot that
living is more important than life
Good were those days
When pleasure walked aside
Good were those days
When laughter played with me
That imprint is
plunged deep onto
sands of my memory
And life somewhere
left behind
But still kept walking
Could only see the destination
But not understand
Why I am being dragged
Till there  

Friday, June 5, 2015


From the human eye 
If u see
Another human 
U are the human made by God
If the veil of religion 
Does not cover his face 
And poverty is just 
a part of destiny  
And not desire 
where the wisdom heals 
And not demolishes 
And the human race  
Where it emerges winner
Not by killing others 
But itself standing atop
Then will the world be 
"The Way He Wanted It!!"

Sunday, May 3, 2015


Eyes not in the 
Desperate search of anyone 
Or probably it has 
Lost his own shadow 
Silence whispered to me 
The answer lies within 
Darkness flashed to tell
Let thou be right 
In the gasping thin air 
I could feel my heartbeat 
Not for the best but 
At least good 
I will stay in the dark night   
In your search 
Knowing that you are not there
But believing that 
You are there

Sunday, April 26, 2015


The number of missed shots 
Kept on increasing 
The count of holes on the dartboard
Became countless 
The utter silence 
Completely surrounded me 
And every moment 
Its noise grew louder 
Only the clock 
Ticked away into the silence
As these boring days 
Gently passed by... .

Monday, April 20, 2015


Some misconception 
Still awaits 
Some already transferred
Some curious on their way 
But it was me who did it 
And I regret 
That the truth somewhere lay behind 
Deceived on its way 
And still awaits 

Saturday, April 11, 2015


Having achieved much
Is not always a nice feeling
Even behind the clouds
The sun takes time to come out of the trap
But once you are there on top
On the hill of proud feeling
And watch others working down there
Just close your eyes
Enjoy the moment
Feel the breeze
Because the brain stops working
That those down there
Are working to demolish your hill
And one day you will be in tatters
Even that day will be granted to you
When you will murmur to yourself
“Why did not I work when I was…..”
I glanced at my broken face
The pieces of glass still falling
The blood oozing out of my fist
I could not hear my mom shouting
And I understood that it takes time to be normal!!

Monday, April 6, 2015

10:00 ; WAKE UP SIDD

Finally it is over
Not with joy 
But with a heavy heart 
The epic class 9
A part of me 
Still remains 
Unflinchingly stored in 
Those four walls
And the remaining 
unwilling to face tomorrow 
I think I will wake up 
Probably not in time to see the disaster  
But surely on time to face the disaster!    

Monday, March 30, 2015


Am I the last ?
Or probably yes
I have lost!
Lost in the battle with myself
Lost in the war with confidence
My strengths are wounded
My patience lie dead
My capabilities all used
And no strengths remains
To fight back
"Silence is peace"
Is all I said
When the spear of distress
Pierced away my last hope
I am devastated
Only the crushed paper
Could cry for me

Saturday, March 21, 2015


On the deserted lane 
That traveler brisked upon
Lost his name 
And all the fame 
Thrown in vain
Searching his identity
In hope;
He had gone through 
This path someday
Mocked him on his way 
Even the stone that lay
Trying to search 
From the genesis of mistakes 
And knew that 
"Everyday he walked that path 
He found a new house to discover"

Sunday, March 1, 2015


This reckless life
Talent goes into the gutter
Imagination fly away
It is thrown away
Student's life
It is like a maze
Opening at every end
But never knowing what
Awaits behind the door
Some keep pushing the wall
Some bang on the ground
While some wait for the others to open
But only a few
Dare to open the door
Which was never locked .

Friday, February 20, 2015

3rd floor apartment window

peeped out
gushing traffic
neon lights
unwanted bottles
priceless persons going penniless
drunken in the smoke
lying around
and hardly someone
soaked into passion
people have forgotten
those people's only
and lonely support is machines
machines did not create us
and we created them
the morning milkman
having a grudge on his scooter
getting late for bed

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Those playgrounds are not of mud
But created out of our footprints
Those benches are not painted
But wet with our hard-work
Dreams echoes in those halls
Our creativity hangs on the walls
The gardener still remembers our mischief
We both could not answer the 3rd question of maths paper
Those corridors still rings up with our laughter
Bell starts our race to ground
And teachers yelling at us
Peon shouting at us
Hosting a crowd of 2000 parents
I forgot my lines
I still recollect
During practice
You laughing on those lines of the script
"Our teachers watch us everywhere"
Finals of football
And I shot the last goal
Against you
All memories flied away with that paper
When you told he is no more

Sunday, February 1, 2015


In the temple,
when the eyelashes
cover the eyeballs
retina pictures out god
But in our case
the tension overlaps them
the shine of curiosity is visible
in those small pupils
and the pride of accomplishment
their eyes still can't differentiate between the
rich and poor
can't perceive the amount of money
incapable of winking to hide the truth
cannot manufacture false tears
but ones made
are invaluable
unable to distinguish between the
finest silk suit
or the ragged clothes
it just penetrates deep into the heart
seeking love and care
removing sorrow
they see the world with a low height
still those eyes only give respect
whereas the ones which rules
disrespects many
those eyes do not look here and there for excuses
instead just reveal the truth looking straight
those eyes belong to every small child
I see them many including my sister

Monday, January 26, 2015


I am lonely
Walking over the dusty roads
Others gossiping
Their every word
Is dipped into pleasure
Or sunken into sorrow
Wished that even i could have
But i already had
The best friend loneliness
It never ditched me
as they say
It never betrayed me
As they complain
I have learnt
To walk through the lanes of happiness
I have learnt to
Enjoy with myself
I just bow my head
And saw the road has come to an end
And  probably
I cried 
I kicked the  ground in despair
My ears were all numb
There was only wind to erase those tears
The old leaves rustled 
And the sun glared at me
I made my new friends
My friend was with me

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Those skulls laugh 
All of them laughed
They laugh on us
Seeing the competition
Seeing the desperate 
Glaring at the clever 
And spying at the thief behind the gold
Because they know 
And have understood 
We came from dust 
And one day 
Will bite the dust again
Those have realized
When they were living they never lived 
And after life they cannot live
See them 
They all laugh at us!! 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


The stroll of life

In the neon light
My leg displaced a stone
I looked up
In search of the moon
The lamppost boastly said
"Its only my rule in the dark, today!"
My destination was still far away
But the darkness made it quite invisible
I glanced at my shadow
The only friend who supported
At all times
No matter what the situation I was in
This friend of mine accompanied me in this walk
My mind just realised that
I had stamped it at every step
Just to reach my destination!
Do we do the same in our life ?