Friday, December 25, 2015


What is inspiration ?
The moment 
You stretch your arms 
Inspired and assured
That you can touch the sky 
That's inspiration!

What's winning?
When the defeat 
After being defeated 
Is proud to be the defeated
That's winning!

What's life?
The sheer reverberation
Of your life 
After you have lived 
That on your death 
They proudly recall your birth
That's life!

What's happiness
That you have sadness your roommate 
In a room of loneliness
In a house of depression
And still your smile never fades away
That's happiness!

Monday, December 21, 2015


She smiled 
Meaning every essence of it
Beside her, was another smile 
She cried out 
Pleading to god 
There was shoulder 
To rest on 
Her eyes shone bright 
And winked at someone 
There was another who winked back 
Breaking the shackles of friendship 
I dared to 
Initiate hopes on her 
But all my hopes 
Drained down my blood 
As soon as I realized 
That smile,
That shoulder, 
Those eyes were not mine 
And hiding the fact from my heart
I backed my tears 
Instead of smile  
That lodged on my shoulders
That lingered upon my eyes.

Friday, December 18, 2015


The sun has come up the horizon 
And glass no longer shattered 
Now me a person 
Who has emerged once again 
Now without tears in my eyes 
Without a doubt in my heart 
I could barely contain 
My happiness and joy 
As it being the only reason 
Of my every smile 
Of my every dream 
Her eyes sparkled more than the stars 
And sun was no match of her glowing face 
Only reason, being her 
The happiest of my times 
She showed me 
A glimpse of the dream 
Which long I awaited 
She showed at the perfect time 
Only when I needed
And if those were a dream 
I would live in that dream 
And end my life in that very spot 
Because no truth 
Even from the god, 
Would allow my soul to let go of this 
Wonderful incidence   
Beneth that blazing noon

Saturday, December 12, 2015


Someone once told me 
Mistakes willingly committed 
Are either 
Great blunders 
The greatest achievement
Mine was soaked in both
These moments 
2 minutes and 33 seconds 
Of my life 
My jaw froze as
I gulped down the ice of truth 
It wasn't what I had expected 
But, it was the truth of my life 
Staring right into my eyes 
On the evening of 12 December 
Among all smiles, I stood 
As if I had faded away 
Because that blow was catastrophic
I knew it
The silence within 
Had been armed with a rifle 
But, surprisingly, 
It did not aim my heart 
It took away my life 
Just those few moments 
Of silence 
Silence was shouting only one thing -"NO"
This monosyllabic expression 
Was enough to change 
Me forever 
Life is not about the moments you breathe 
Life is about the moments 
That take away your breath
That drought of silence did take my breath 
Those longest 2 mins and 33 sec did take my breath 
That "NO" did take my breath 
"Some stories are never meant to be 
You just can't can't refrain destiny!!! "


One day 
Quite sure it will come
I will stare 
Into your eyes 
Drown in the lies 
To find the pearl

Assure myself again 
That one day
I will enjoy 
Your smile 
And fade with it 

Maybe that one day
I will have the guts 
To make sense to you 
And walk away 
With you 

Just one day, ...
That will happen
I believe ...I hope !

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


It takes a great deal 
To make someone happy and contended
But just a scratch is enough
On the impeccable mirror 
To make its every penny worthless
Just that way
I kept digging deep into a pit
Trying to conceal 
Much of myself
But just when I hit the rocks under
I understood the 
Sands of time has dripped down 
In the hourglass
And the moment had arrived 
To reveal my deepest secrets 
That my heart of glass 
Was broken,
Shattered everyday
Each piece of it
In every possible way 
And my tears found themselves 
None evident, it ever happened 
Picking the pieces in darkness
In the desperate wait 
That there will be a new 
Person to throw the stone on the castle!!