Sunday, August 28, 2016


I have kept you down
7 years
In my cage of house
Filled with redemption
Ever since like a slave you worked,
Day in and day out
I have to remind myself
*That some aren't meant to be caged
Their thoughts are, 
Just too bright.
And when the bird flew away,
The part of me 
*That knew it was a sin to lock it up 
Did rejoice 
Sometimes it makes me sad though 
To let the bird go  

  *Reference to Shawshank Redemption 

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


The shadows when lay upon me 
Nothing but truth is revealed 
Those sorry faces 
Some angry on facts 
When nobody around 
I am no more authentic 
Maybe I even lie 
Maybe I conceal the honesty 
Maybe I pretend to the moon;
That it shines like the sun 
Maybe the scars vanish 
From the wall in front 
Only when you aren't watching 
I am sorry 
I won't lie to you 

Tuesday, May 31, 2016


I have tasted blood 
On my lips 
I have no compassion 
They say, 
I have smeared a few, 
Probably many lives 
But no one disagreed - 
"I was faithful to the ones 
That had my back"
I deserve no mercy 
As I have given none 
And along with all others 
I was thrown into the armory 
No longer useful

(The spear never kills the person that throws it, but still it is treated without respect once it is blunt)

Tuesday, March 22, 2016



School : The great era is inching towards its end.
Life     :  The greatest era is inches away. 
School : Your best friends are never gonna meet you like before. No more hanging                  around with them like the past and no more of madness of childhood.
Life     : There are great friends awaiting for you, and I am meant to walk away with                 experiences and not stand still for them to happen.
School : The uncomplicated feeling of being in a position from altering identities of an               adult and child will be no more.
Life     : A grown up adult has its own benefits and unlimited fun.
School : Its tough to stand with the competitive world.
Life     : You even complain today due to your unsatisfactory position in schooling life.
School : You will miss the rides and all the places where children are allowed and                    you sneaked your way in
Life     :  You always longed to disclose the curtains of adventure in the stunts or                       activities marked  "Above 18" 
Its a never ending battle and the declaration of winner is probably the way each one perceives ...

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


The tide had brought you closer
It was the tide, that took you away
Its the sword that 
Warriors fight for;
Its the sword that kills them 
Like the wind you reached me
And the same drew you away 
But I still feel the pain 
Though I know
Nor the tide,wind 
Neither the sword would revert back
I knew you were gone 
You had drawn the first blood  
The scars remains 
Even after the battle
The blood stops oozing out 
But the vengeance doesn't  

( Like the tide, wind - both of them come and go at their own pace. Similarly she came and went away and she is similar to the sword - its what you want hurts you. )

Friday, March 11, 2016


Memory is a strange thing
The more I tend to forget
Immortal it becomes
The more I recollect
Impossible it becomes
The more you want 
It to evacuated 
The more it tends 
To be congested
Believing in your(brain) courage 
I have let down my heart 
I have failed 
I want every tip of neuron 
With the soothing touch of heart 
I want every strategy of yours 
To be polished by care 
And every revenge planned 
To be turned into forgetfulness
An exception can be made -
Every memory of her's 
To be erased for treason
By the avenge of my heart 

Friday, February 19, 2016


The story unwinds itself 
Beneath the looks of the moon
On the bridge 
Came she 
Just like the wind 
I could feel every moment 
Every single word 
Was memory for me 
Every single of her smile
Redefined the previous one
I was soaked deep 
Into the charm 
Oblivious of the fact 
She, like the wind 
Was gone 
One day
I kept waiting down 
Under the bridge 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016



Two speeches 
The head boy speech marked 
The end of a childish beginning
The farewell speech signified 
The beginning of an ultimate end 
But today, ( 13 February 2016)
It felt 
As if the tears had left the eyes 
As if the dreams had left the nights
As if the happiness faded away 
From the long smile 
As if the feather ought to fall
Even tough the resistance of wind 
It knew It will fall
We all knew this day would come 
Every piece of earth 
In the school 
Tells a vivid story 
Entangled in secrets and joy
I could bid GOODBYE to all
Except one, except her 
My heart could not take this truth 
Just as I said-
"From you, I don't depart,
Rather in you, I leave of me as a part"

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


It is not the  grief
"Of being in the darkness"
Its the pain
"Of retreating back to darkness
Once you have seen the sunlight "
That kills you
I could have stayed down there
For yet another month
Living just like the
Moments of past two years
I resisted every blow down here
This could have been just another
If you wouldn't have
Shown me the sunshine above
Shown me those dreams 
Its a lot painful when 
The dreams are broken 
Than the grief of never having one!

Thursday, January 28, 2016


When the steps slow down 
And the heart beats faster 
When the lights fade out 
And movements clear in dim 
When the dreams awake
And the unending roads begin
When the shadows 
Leave us all alone 
I will hold on tight 
Whisper the secrets into your heart
You ruled on every moment 
And it all added till today
But this moment was worth the wait 
To sit back 
Fill myself with the realization
That the cause of her best smile 
Was ME!

Saturday, January 16, 2016


The whole city 
Tied with loosen strings 
On this festival 
Unknowing who is on the other end 
It just mattered until 
There was a string 
But life
Posed a different situation for me
It  didn't matter to me 
What bond of string I shared 
Whether of friendship, care 
Or even enmity
Until I am assured
On the other 
She is holding my string  

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


She requested 
An ounce of me 
And I most 
Graciously offered her
Blindfolded by virtuality
And unable to see
Behind the curtains of beauty
She deceived me in thin air 
And I lay shocked 
Every bit of me 
Every piece of that ounce
Which was gone was painful
But i justified 
My happiness with a forced smile 
Convincing him that 
"I am feeling better than before"
But the truth 
Being drastically different 
I couldn't breathe without it
Because when 
The evident realization 
Dawned on me 
She had not taken an ounce 
I was left only an OUNCE!!

Sunday, January 3, 2016


In the sheer complexity 
Of the tests of friendship
We tend to forget 
The simplest of solutions
Let your friendship float 
Above the surface
Don't allow it to sink
Down to grave secrets 
Of each other 
It reveals poison 
And sooner your friendship
Longs for sunlight 
Longs for love
Down in the trenches under the sea

Truth is the pinch 
Of reality, of justice
Which will shatter your weak friendship
And test its authenticity
But if it passes
There will be a hand 
Long enough,
To pull it up high 
And propel into the sky !