Tuesday, March 22, 2016



School : The great era is inching towards its end.
Life     :  The greatest era is inches away. 
School : Your best friends are never gonna meet you like before. No more hanging                  around with them like the past and no more of madness of childhood.
Life     : There are great friends awaiting for you, and I am meant to walk away with                 experiences and not stand still for them to happen.
School : The uncomplicated feeling of being in a position from altering identities of an               adult and child will be no more.
Life     : A grown up adult has its own benefits and unlimited fun.
School : Its tough to stand with the competitive world.
Life     : You even complain today due to your unsatisfactory position in schooling life.
School : You will miss the rides and all the places where children are allowed and                    you sneaked your way in
Life     :  You always longed to disclose the curtains of adventure in the stunts or                       activities marked  "Above 18" 
Its a never ending battle and the declaration of winner is probably the way each one perceives ...

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