Tuesday, March 22, 2016



School : The great era is inching towards its end.
Life     :  The greatest era is inches away. 
School : Your best friends are never gonna meet you like before. No more hanging                  around with them like the past and no more of madness of childhood.
Life     : There are great friends awaiting for you, and I am meant to walk away with                 experiences and not stand still for them to happen.
School : The uncomplicated feeling of being in a position from altering identities of an               adult and child will be no more.
Life     : A grown up adult has its own benefits and unlimited fun.
School : Its tough to stand with the competitive world.
Life     : You even complain today due to your unsatisfactory position in schooling life.
School : You will miss the rides and all the places where children are allowed and                    you sneaked your way in
Life     :  You always longed to disclose the curtains of adventure in the stunts or                       activities marked  "Above 18" 
Its a never ending battle and the declaration of winner is probably the way each one perceives ...

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


The tide had brought you closer
It was the tide, that took you away
Its the sword that 
Warriors fight for;
Its the sword that kills them 
Like the wind you reached me
And the same drew you away 
But I still feel the pain 
Though I know
Nor the tide,wind 
Neither the sword would revert back
I knew you were gone 
You had drawn the first blood  
The scars remains 
Even after the battle
The blood stops oozing out 
But the vengeance doesn't  

( Like the tide, wind - both of them come and go at their own pace. Similarly she came and went away and she is similar to the sword - its what you want hurts you. )

Friday, March 11, 2016


Memory is a strange thing
The more I tend to forget
Immortal it becomes
The more I recollect
Impossible it becomes
The more you want 
It to evacuated 
The more it tends 
To be congested
Believing in your(brain) courage 
I have let down my heart 
I have failed 
I want every tip of neuron 
With the soothing touch of heart 
I want every strategy of yours 
To be polished by care 
And every revenge planned 
To be turned into forgetfulness
An exception can be made -
Every memory of her's 
To be erased for treason
By the avenge of my heart