Saturday, July 14, 2018


I climbed those stairs 
Knowing every place where it creaked 
There was a ghastly silence 
Looked door 
Reveled itself 
Only when i tried the second time
Dust covered every corner 
My breath was soaked in the lifeless room 
Every detail similar to memory 
Just like a place which awaited
7 years for me to return 
I placed the striker on the board ready 
To fall in the bliss of nostalgia 
The footsteps
Grew louder
And louder
Transfixed at the shadow, 
My eyes dared to move only when i saw her face 
For the next uncountable moments 
We played on that table 
Match after match 
The light bulb above flickered 
Pitch black and deep silence 
In that locked room 
When the lights came on 
Scratched on the table "Good game "
Not a living soul in that building except me!!

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