Sunday, December 21, 2014


The tree of human life

Ever seen the hard work of trees
Ever seen the competition of fruits
Ever heard the success stories of theirs
Absolutely no, I suppose
These only occur in our race
But the mango does live our life
They are born in numbers
They need to be perfect 
If huge, they fall down 
If small, they remain unrecognized
The ones boasting off their qualities, 
Shouting out, "I am the best and most juicy"
They are gobbled by the monkeys
The race does not end here
Rather it begins
They wait for the day when they are interviewed
Good ones are selected and sold
Here they compete with  the best ones
Our life's coarse is similar to this one
We are not the only one
Who live with the title
'Survival Of The Fittest'

Monday, December 15, 2014



Having achieved much
Is not always a nice feeling
Even behind the clouds
The sun takes time to come out of the trap
But once you are there on top
On the hill of proud feeling
And watch others working down there
Just close your eyes
Enjoy the moment
Feel the breeze
Because the brain stops working
That those down there
Are working to demolish your hill
And one day you will be in tatters
Even that day will be granted to you
When you will murmur to yourself
“Why did not I work when I was…..”
I glanced at my broken face
The pieces of glass still falling
The blood oozing out of my fist
I could not hear my mom shouting
And I understood that it takes time to be normal!!

Sunday, November 30, 2014


Dive Into Life

"I can't, I just can't"
Were the only words 
Dropping from my mouth
My reflection scared me
That it would vanish
When I jump into that deep sea
The depth was not measurable
For me 
Even though written on board
"Only 50m deep"
I felt a hand on my shoulder
And the next moment 
I was in water 
The sea is your life 
And the depth is your limit 
Until you don't venture out 
You will not live your life to the fullest
And once down
Touching the bottom of the sea
A feeling of satisfaction will fill you 
So don't float on the surface 
Just dive in!

Sunday, November 9, 2014


People who think out of the class
Glaring at the fan
Expecting it to fall on my enemy
The doors of the classroom flashed open
And a dinosour taking me away
Gazing at the canvas painting of my desk
All the creativity of my mind
Came to a halt when
Friends glared at me
Expecting an answer
My mind repeatedly told myself
"What is the question?"
But could not bring it to my mouth
I thought it had been told a number of times
The next moment I was given more respect
And told to stand up
I felt as the lone representative of india
In a round table conference
Where the teacher was the director
Standing right in front of me
My silence which they liked I suppose
So I continued to be silent
And found myself outside the class
Heaved with respect and honour from maam
I now felt like
The lone representative of US
Who left the conference in the mddle
And now can roam about outside!!

Friday, October 31, 2014


It just rained
When a bird in the sky 
Flies as high
Ever wondered why does it do that?
Ever imagined what does it think?
It’s a place
Where the trenches of death,
Are clearly seen from the skyscrapers of life;
Clouds of hope just stop shining when,
Thunderstorms of helplessness prevail;
And the blanket of sadness prevents,
Any ray of happiness;
Its not an easy place to be there
When balancing on a slender rope becomes necessity,
And dying after every day becomes habit,
The first time in years it experienced:
The tears rolling on.
One shower of rain
Its all it takes!
To destroy the castle of glass,
Crafted delicately since years.
It gets drenched in those tears;
And soaked in the sadness;
And flows away with those birds;
Dried in the darkness;
Then all its life it utters to itself,
“It just rained one day”!!


Saturday, October 25, 2014


Old and New
Old is not formed 
New is not evolved
Old does not stink 
New does not smell fresh 
It is all the brilliancy
Of the interplay of our brain and heart
New  replaces the old 
Is it the change of generation 
That has 
Reduced the existing qualities of old 
And uphold the new 
Someome rightly quoted 
Old is gold 
But in today's global village, I believe
There are several platinum around


Tuesday, October 21, 2014


The trap of class 9

The heart does not believe, the brain forces the body to customize oneself into the structure which can accommodate and fit perfectly in the complexity of the the daunted class 9. Looking down the lane at the past 8 years of glory, enjoyment and and the moment of living the live to the fullest extent permitted by the the heart, the body gets depressed at the dreadful thought of the last 2 years in this dream palace. But at times and probably at every moment of the life of a class 9 student is not only filled with positive and negative surprises but also an unprecedented amount of emotions flowing out of control.

It is a stage of life where instances hold more value and importance than any academic grade. These instances change the colours of life and the palette in which all these colours are formed is the interplay of rumors. These events cannot be classified as good or bad, advantageous or something useless. They seem a practical way of knowing an unknown, and this wind was only driven faster by the introduction of Whats App, Facebook and a lot more. As a teenager it is impossible to be a critic of this trend. All seems so good and delighting.

An impossible task is to deny the fact that Class 9 is extreme and moment you are placed on the cloud of happiness, you can clearly sight out the the trench of loneliness. So at any level a class 9 student can't think,"I have achieved my goal", because there is always the teachers shouting at us,"What have you done till now; You are useless; Check your discipline, on"

At last we just try to dream which we could not in reality and also try to change ourselves so that we can adopt to THE TRAP OF CLASS 9

Sunday, October 19, 2014


Am I Living? 

Eleventh time I asked this question
To myself
And I got no answer
Now I don't feel the breeze
Blowing through me
I forgotten the day when
I last smiled heartily
My memories of enjoying
Has been totally deleted
I don't find the pics where
I am free from all worries
I have forgotten the days when
Time was no priority while watching the movie
I don't remember the months
When it rained all the days
And I stood under the open sky to welcome it
I have forgotten the mornings when
The sun woke up before me
The twelfth time I asked this same question
The beats of my heart confirmed it
But deep in my heart I knew
The answer was "NO"

Saturday, September 20, 2014



Da Vinci, the great artist
Never believed in imagination
But created something which was beyond anyone’s imagination
The Mona Lisa
Never knowing the fact
Sketching it to perfection
That one day it would be a masterpiece.
But this isn't the one!
His hands never shivered
While painting on a horse
I am talking about M F Hussain
But still the search of the best is not over!
It is already present
He painted with the everlasting
Colours of rainbow,
He created mountains,
He designed the course of rivers,
Outlined the nature’s beauty;
 And his final touch was humans;
The masterpiece is the world,
By the greatest artist of all times- THE GOD 

Thursday, September 4, 2014


When the first rain drop,
Is greeted by the ocean,
With full respect,
Where the ripples spreads out;
When the first rays of the sun,
Shine on those ripples,
Enlightening every drop of the ocean;
The day when every gladiolus
Will bloom out its each petal
A day which is driven by hearts and not brains
A day which is beyond science
A day when F=ma is contradicted
A day when teleportation will become a part of the past
It will be a part of the common sense that,
It is Soham’s Birthday


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The concealed knowledge

The concealed knowledge

(My boots stamped on those dusty roads of Darbhanga and I could hear my heart pounding loudly. My grandfather's presence forced me to ask me some questions about the strange person which would reduce my curiosity. )

Me: Is he young or someone of your age? What could be his age? 

Grandpa: He is quite young.I don't know   his age

Me: Is he short tempered? I mean gets angry at small issues. 

Grandpa: No no! He is the calmest person you will ever see.

(I silently told myself "I hope so")

(Neither of us perturbed the noise of the streets.My hands swinging the plastic bag which carried various untouched books and some even unseen.The only restaurant serving its special customers, the temple ground being used for cricket could be seen till we reached the main road. The bridge provided shelter as we moved on. After crossing a number of shops, we reached the foot of the bridge and my grandfather broke the silence) 

Grandpa: You see this barber's shop ? It's just near the end of the bridge. Remember this turn from here.

Me: Okay I will remember that.

(The people stared at us just as a foreigner entering an orthodox indian street. The roads could not be more thinner otherwise from one way road it would be one man road. I supposed that could be one of the reasons why they don't buy cars. At the fork of the road I perceived a house with lopsided roof, its walls showing the ages of experience, its windows desperate to collapse. I just wished this was not my Sanskrit teacher's house) 

(I couldn't imagine that house even in my dreams. A little smaller than the previous one described above but in worse condition. The first gate swung open in a similar noise made by the haunted house. I was led by my grandfather. When we reached the door my grandfather knocked on the door with an old, oval ring hanging from the door supported with much confidence as he knew him since ages)

(My mind had conjectured all kinds of Sanskrit knowing pandits but he was not like them. A small moustache and a tika on his head, he let us in with a pleasing smile directed to my grandfather and a curious look at me.)

Grandpa: Here is your student. His name is Siddharth.

(I bent down and touched his feet as if forced by the eye movements of my grandfather. ) 

Grandpa: Now that your student is here, I think I should go now. 

(He offered me a seat on the sofa which long had not been used. After I was seated, I fiddled with my books unable to understand which one to take out. At last I took out three books which appeared to be of grammar and placed it on the bed in front of me on which he was sitting.) 

Me: Sir l am facing difficulties in the grammar of Sanskrit. 

( After glancing the books for a while, he cleared his throat and told me) 

Sir: You don't need these books as they aren't for you. Take out your notebook. 

(Hurriedly, I took out my notebook and placed it in front of him so that he could write. His staring eyes symbolically told me that the notebook was for me and not for him. I placed the book facing me and ready to write.) 

(After a few minutes, he gave me something to do and told me that he was going to drink water. First time I got the chance to see the room I was perhaps locked in. It had an age old bike with a broken mirror and no headlights, the cycle was in a better and in a usable condition. The blackboard[perhaps dustboard due to the dust on it] was tilted on which writing was quite impossible. The chairs placed on the table was painted with dust. Most interestingly, there was a book kept on the bed and the writings on it boasted its name as 'Meghdutam'. As my grandfather had told me that he was translating this very famous book) 

Sir: Did you complete your work ? 

Me: Just completed sir! 

(After the longest 30 minutes of my life had passed, I stepped out of the place and the only thought that struck my mind was that:- 
Knowledge does not reside in cities 
Knowledge does not reside in villages 
Knowledge resides in humble persons. 
I saw the barber's shop and smiled to myself as I walked back home with an atom of that knowledge just as a drop in the ocean.) 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


I say there is a change;
Now the straps of my bag do not reveal the unstitched part,
They are mended;

Before the natural air conditioner of the scooter
Used to enrich me every morning,
Now it is replaced by a switch named “AC”
In the car when I go to school;

Now only the echo of ‘Goodbye’ reaches my ears,
And the reply has been muted long ago;

Before proverbs spoke out “Success means wisdom and not wealth”,
But now success without wealth is equivalent to failure;

Before the kites when cut down used to be chased down the track,
Now the kites desperately hang from the trees,
Has Sankranti lost its signifance?

Before the doormats bore the words ‘Welcome’ on it,
But now they are used for removing dust off their shoes,
Are they dusting off their responsibility?

Before the gilli (of the game gilli danda) used to land in open fields,
But now the cricket balls crash someone’s window pane;

Before time played an instrumental role in healing the wounds
Now the injections have overcome the brand of ‘time’

Before the legs of people did not hesitate
In walking for a mile to fetch water from the age-old well,
Now our legs pain even for reaching the aqua guard 1m away from us!

Before monkeys swung on long tree branches
Now they hang on verandas of large apartments
“Nothing is permanent in this world except CHANGE”
These changes are referred as "The Modernization of the World"
Is this change because of human nature? Or,
Is it the selfish human motive?

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Students passing out
Passing out with flying colours
Passing out of their huge colleges
Passing out having a sense of pride and achievement
Wearing those blazing black suits
Which reminds me of’ MEN in BLACK’
It marks their transformation of boys to men
Sensing the air of responsibility among them
Insects of opportunities hovering around them
Since 4 years their minds had been hacked by the books, and now,
They have emerged
Their black boots making the triumphing sound;
And their wide grin,
Defines it all.
I wish I could be one of them!

Saturday, March 8, 2014



Live the life and live the life peacefully
The latter word makes all the differences
Does the guard below your flat live the life peacefully?
Or is it the winner of the 100 grands who does so?
Does the finance minister of your neighboring house live it?
Or does the finance minister of the country practice it?
Do you or me live life peacefully?
Surely the burden of tension does not allow us.
The leaves of the tree live life peacefully without any burden;
The ripples of water live life peacefully,
Irrespective of how short their life is;
The sun glares without any strain,
Knowing that it has to do so for another billion years;
And moon shines without any depression,
Knowing that it will never generate its own light;
Knowing that hardships will always be there in our life
Can we do the same?

Tuesday, February 4, 2014



His new face had it all
New, not because he was just born 
New, because I had seen it for the first time
First time because I had never seen such a weary face of his
He hails from the past when the Britishers ruled
Enjoys the present with us, and,
Has the willingness to face the future
From the time when,
He walked on the dusty roads
Till the time when,
Posh cars race each other
Loads of experience flowing out
It is all in the form of instances
It describes the cautions ought to be taken in life
It narrates stories still denied by science,
 Of which they were the eye witness
He has witnessed the days of struggle
So much that,
The mind thinks twice before the face can afford a smile
Still wearing one of those khaki kurtas
The odd one in the group
With shoulders drooped
Not drooped with hardships
But drooped with the drastic changes in the world
Drooped with the lack of respect
He was none other than my grandfather.