Wednesday, January 29, 2014



 Harsh words had filled my day
The depression on my face was quite visible
She shut the door behind me
The mirror showed me the deep marks on my body
My ears still ringing about,
Not ringing, banging with that threatening voice
Cruel thoughts passed my mind
That time I hated everyone whom I could browse through my memory
That moment I was locked up in an unlocked room
I sat hearing all my promises being shattered
All my enjoyments draining out
All my luxurious snatched away
Those bits of paper were still lying in front of me
These were the instances ventured by my mind,
While I showed my marks to my mom and thought,
“Could the punishments even be like this?”



First time my mind struck on the word”RESPECT”
Does respect lie in money?
Or in the caves of the fake grin?
Does it stay in your hospitality to those whom you even don’t know?
Does respect lie in the big bungalows near beeches?
Or does it reside in the suits coming out of posh cars?
Does it lie in the pearls of the necklace?
Or does it lie on the thrones of the great kings?
It lies inside your heart
After peeling the tough coating of jealousy and hatred
It lies in the sole of boots of humble people
It lies in the field ploughed with hard work
When you don’t get something you feel its real value
Same goes for respect
When you don’t get this respect you feel its absence!

Sunday, January 26, 2014



With each stone being thrown in the pond
And the leaves blocking the path of the sun
People around me talking,
Talking about their bad moments of life,
Talking about the ups and downs of life;
Like ripples in the pond
My mind wandering about
Seeing the clear blue water, I thought are we so clean?
Water never compromises with any fish, so;
Do we do the same with our fellow human beings?
Water is uniform eveywhere but ,
Are we same, the one which we show and from inside?
These thoughts continously passed my mind, until,
Until an ant bit the sole of my leg
And as if it stood up and shouted,(loudly)
“Go! You are getting late”
I stepped out of my imaginary and inspirational world,
When my sister patted me and requested to leave
I went back with a deep thought that ,
“We have so much to learn from nature.”

Monday, January 20, 2014



“It’s our work and not our passion,
It’s our duty and not our desire.”
These words dropped from their heart and not from the mouth,
British first placed their step here
But development still hesitates to do so
Without a protection on their head
Bare feet running on the rough roads
When each drop of hard work falls on the ground
While enjoying the ride do we care of these things?
 When our minds are diverted by the ice-cream stalls nearby
Those typical rickshaw pullers in Bengal;
Think of earning some more money to pay the fees of their young ones
When our dress gets dirty, we check our schedule for laundry
But when splashes hit them;
They believe that time will erase those
Though their houses do not have beautiful idols of gods;
But there are much closer to gods;
Because of the heavenly work they do!


Thursday, January 9, 2014



Today the mere scene of my room scares me
Jotted down in my list of nightmares
The figure 8 on the books
Haunts me,
Equipped with weapons of Mathematics and Science
They try to shoot me down
The pile of books irritates me
Signals go down to my leg not to move forward
As if my brain warns ‘high alert’ to every part of my body
I long for my matches in big fields
The doctor says a crazy disease
Teacher yells as an undisciplined boy
Mom scolds for a boy with excuses
All have mistaken my identity
“I am still a child.”



The capital of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad may not be divided into OLD HYDERABAD AND NEW HYDERABAD on legal papers but it surely dwells in a person’s mind. There may not be cracks between the lands but many other natural differences which forces the visitors to think “on which part of Hyderabad are we standing.”

Religious fault lines are one of the major ones. The population of Muslims from the minority in New Hyderabad turn to a large majority in Old Hyderabad. The Muslims are compacted in these areas and seldom migrate to other places. A person from a different religion will surely think twice before settling there as he/she will be prone to attacks and also the first person to be accused. This clearly defines the vast cracks between the two fragments.

Still considered as one of the treasures of Hyderabad (Old Hyderabad), development and urbanization haven’t stepped foot here. The great height of sky scrapers drastically droop down to squat cottages. Suddenly the malls comprising the AC facility change to small shops containing a few limited items. The multiplex housing facilities convert to small and rare hotels. Talking about administration the grip of the government loosens.Standing upright on the crossroads we find the traffic policeman but does he stand on the damaged roads of Old Hyderabad? Does the person murdered in some remote village get justice on the right time? Simply “NO”

AP is gifted with the marvellous gift from history. A façade of tombs and mahals surround this place. Why do we find Paigah tombs in front of the pavements of dented roads and not in front of highways? Why do we find small stalls in front of the Charminar and not 5stars hotels? Whereas the same structure, The Qutb Shahi Tombs is surrounded by gardens and complemented by fountains.

These small differences split the Hyderabad into two portions calling themselves as Old and New.



The book, MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS by the name itself suggests that someone has plotted against a person on one of the largest distance covering train, THE ORIENT EXPRESS. This book is mainly expressed in English and has a blend of French language.

One of the famous detectives of England, Mr Hercule Poirot along with his helping friend, Mr Bouc boarded the luxurious train at Aleppo. The flavours of different nationalities like French, American, Italian, Britishers, Hungarian and also a couple from Poland at the dining car was more enriched than the flavour of the food. From the hospitality of Wagon Lit Conductor to the snowy environment of the train was fine until the incident at the midnight. When Mr Poirot came to know about the stabbings of the death person, Mr Ratchett in his room he was immediately down at his detective work. There he met the doctor, Dr Constantine who assisted him in the medical facts. When all the facts like dented watch, drug in the glass, a letter, etc., were placed in their minds, all three of them sat in the dining car cracking their heads to solve this case.

One by one all the 11 passengers and Wagon Lit Conductor were called to give their evidence about the smallest detail of their actions that night. Some of them, due to were various causes that night were forced to stay in their own compartments while others gave important details about the happenings at different intervals. Hearing to all those did not produce a clear image of convict. Mrs Hubbard screamed after discovering a knife in her sponge bag. Poirot and his two companions sat back on their chairs and put on their thinking cap. After doing this by closed eyes for about 1 hour, Poirot stood up and summoned everyone claiming that he knew the offender. Curious and surprised faces clearly showed everyone wanted to know the truth. Poirot disclosed each one’s secret as everyone was involved in the case. The facts showed were absolutely wrong. Each person was somehow related to the Ratchett, originally Casessiti who was not punished for the Armstrong murder case and they all took their revenge.