Thursday, January 9, 2014



The capital of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad may not be divided into OLD HYDERABAD AND NEW HYDERABAD on legal papers but it surely dwells in a person’s mind. There may not be cracks between the lands but many other natural differences which forces the visitors to think “on which part of Hyderabad are we standing.”

Religious fault lines are one of the major ones. The population of Muslims from the minority in New Hyderabad turn to a large majority in Old Hyderabad. The Muslims are compacted in these areas and seldom migrate to other places. A person from a different religion will surely think twice before settling there as he/she will be prone to attacks and also the first person to be accused. This clearly defines the vast cracks between the two fragments.

Still considered as one of the treasures of Hyderabad (Old Hyderabad), development and urbanization haven’t stepped foot here. The great height of sky scrapers drastically droop down to squat cottages. Suddenly the malls comprising the AC facility change to small shops containing a few limited items. The multiplex housing facilities convert to small and rare hotels. Talking about administration the grip of the government loosens.Standing upright on the crossroads we find the traffic policeman but does he stand on the damaged roads of Old Hyderabad? Does the person murdered in some remote village get justice on the right time? Simply “NO”

AP is gifted with the marvellous gift from history. A façade of tombs and mahals surround this place. Why do we find Paigah tombs in front of the pavements of dented roads and not in front of highways? Why do we find small stalls in front of the Charminar and not 5stars hotels? Whereas the same structure, The Qutb Shahi Tombs is surrounded by gardens and complemented by fountains.

These small differences split the Hyderabad into two portions calling themselves as Old and New.

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